Saturday, March 10, 2007

Newt and Slick Willie: Equally Reprehensible?

by John W. Lillpop

Recent revelations about former Speaker Gingrich's extra-marital affair while he was pursuing Bill Clinton's scalp for impeachment are titillating, but only to those seek to fill their hollow skulls with unmitigated pap.

In other words, liberals have not been this excited since Viet Nam fell to the communists!

While it is true that both Gingrich and Slick yielded to lust and debauchery, it is not true that their transgressions were equally serious.

For years, Gingrich has been hounded by reports of extramarital affairs as a result of two messy divorces.

His first marriage to Jackie Battley ended in divorce in 1981. Battley claims that Gingrich discussed divorce terms while she was recuperating in the hospital from cancer surgery, although Gingrich has said that he does not remember that.

Gingrich divorced his second wife, Marianne, in 2000 after his relationship with his current wife, Callista Bisek, was disclosed. Bisel is a former congressional aide and more than 20 years younger than Gingrich.

Predictably, liberals have tried to use Gingrich's marital problems to deflect attention from the transgressions of President Bill Clinton.

One Clinton apologist went so far as to suggest that Gingrich's "serial wife-dumping was worse than Bill Clinton's sexual escapades," apparently even those that took place in the White House itself.

However, the case of President William Jefferson Clinton was never about a "private matter between consenting adults," despite the nonsensical spin fabricated by liberals like Laney Davis and others.

Rather, President Bill Clinton stood accused of perjury, subornation of perjury, and obstruction of justice.

Mr. Clinton's felony crimes--not his sexual dalliances-- lead to his impeachment, being disbarred in Arkansas, and revocation of his right to argue before the United States Supreme Court. The later two sanctions were subsequently lifted with the passage of time.

Given his position of power and authority, Clinton was surely guilty of sexual harassment as well, both as president and while Governor of Arkansas.

In fact, if Clinton had been a Republican, liberals in Congress, egged on by feminist wackos, would have pressed for his immediate castration, followed by impeachment and removal from office.

As it was, NOW and other feminist organizations seemed more interested in midnight basketball than in exposing the deliberate and premeditated stalking of young females by the most powerful man on earth.

Newt and Slick: Equally reprehensible? Don't you believe it!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal, "clean and sober" since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. Pray for John: He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where people like Nancy Pelosi are considered reasonable!