Monday, October 12, 2009

Open Letter to Senator Barbara Boxer

October 11, 2009

Senator Barbara Boxer
Washington, D.C.

Dear Senator:

I am in receipt of your correspondence concerning the gloomy unemployment picture in America, especially in California where the number of unemployed is over twelve percent.

While I agree that action is needed, I do not agree that we need to extend unemployment benefits at this time.

As you are aware, on February 17, 2009, newly installed President Barack Obama signed a so-called "stimulus" bill with a price tag of $787 billion dollars. That bill was rushed to the president for signature, although very few, if any, of those who voted for the measure actually read it.

I note that you voted for the bill, Senator Boxer. Did you read the bill before casting your vote?

President Obama surely did not, and it was he who said the bill had to be enacted immediately to stave off economic disaster and put America back to work.

As you are also aware, at the signing ceremony President Obama claimed that the bill would create or save about 3.5 million jobs, many of them in infrastructure and renewable energy projects. The president also said the measure marked "the beginning of the first steps to set our economy on a firmer foundation."

Eight months later, our economy continues to hemorrhage jobs with no relief in sight. Nationally, unemployment is close to 10 percent, the worst since 1983.

Clearly, the strategy of spend, spend, and spend even more is not the answer to our unemployment problem or the continuing recession.

In fact, the level of spending undertaken by this administration and Congress has caused the federal deficit to spiral out of control, and appears to be costing, rather than adding, jobs so desperately needed by Americans.

In addition, Congress is considering legislation for health care reform and the so-called "Cap and Trade" that you are personally affiliated with and so knowledgeable about.

Each of these programs would cost taxpayers nearly one trillion dollars, if enacted.

Senator, given the depressed state of our economy, is it not time for elected officials to abandon political ambitions and ideological passions in order to fulfill their fiduciary responsibility to the American people?

Rather than pursuing a second stimulus bill, or extending unemployment benefits, Congress and the administration should cut taxes across the board for both individual taxpayers (ten percent) and corporations (twenty five percent).

In addition, legislation for health care reform and Cap and Trade should be postponed until 2012.

Senator Boxer, if the Democrat party is serious about facilitating the return of prosperity to our nation, liberals must stop waging war on private enterprise!

Private enterprise--not government spending-- creates jobs and the opportunity for prosperity in our economy.

Granted, private enterprise is all about profit--but profit is the mother's milk that enables private concerns to hire employees and pay federal, state, and local taxes.

The desire to profit in exchange for providing services and goods is not evil. Rather, it is as the essence of the American Dream.

Finally, how long can our democracy survive when our elected officials find it acceptable to approve and sign bills which they have not read because of length and complexity, but which saddle taxpayers with trillions of dollars of debt?

America's elected officials should be required to read and understand all legislation presented for approval. Bills involving more than $100 billion dollars of taxpayer money should be posted for the public to review at least 14 days before any Congressional vote is scheduled.

Your thoughtful consideration of these points will be greatly appreciated.

John W. Lillpop
San Jose, Ca