Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Want Four More Years of George Bush? Vote for Obama!

By John W. Lillpop

After suffering through eight years of woeful presidential inexperience and incompetence with George W. Bush, why would any reasonable American vote for a candidate who is just as incompetent and inexperienced and whom is also of dubious character and questionable patriotism?

To those not motivated by racism, it is perfectly clear that Governor Palin is far more qualified for the presidency than are Barack Obama and Joe Biden combined!

Yes, yes, we know that Governor Palin is not running for the presidency! However, one can get this terrific conservative as close as is humanly possible to the Oval Office by holding one's nose and punching the ballot for John McCain.

To her credit, Governor Palin has rescued McCain from the Arizona wilderness and back into contention with her latest strategy of attacking Barack Obama directly.

The Palin Principle is starting to pay big dividends! In fact, according to the latest AP Poll, McCain-Palin has pulled even with the Obama-Biden team just two weeks before the election.


Americans still undecided about whom to vote for need to ask if it makes sense to vote for a candidate with the following profile:

*History of palling around with unrepentant domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers who bombed the Pentagon;

*Believes that terrorist groups have "legitimate causes" for violent behavior;

*States that Sept. 11 attacks were, in part, a result of U.S. policy;

*Long time parishioner at a church where the pastor blamed America for 9/11 and shouted "GD America" from the pulpit;

*Refuses to honor the American flag, Star Spangled Banner and other important American symbols;

*Associate of corrupt racketeer and convicted felon Tony Rezko.

*Former leader and current financial contributor to ACORN, a left-wing group committed to voter fraud as a means for electing Democrats;

*Wants to "spread the wealth" and take other steps to convert America to a communist state, and

*May not even be a U.S. citizen.

In addition to his character failings, Barack Obama is completely inexperienced with no executive background on his sparse resume.

Awaken America! Let us end the wretched "politics of incompetence" once and for all by rejecting Barack Obama on November 4!

Remember, a vote for Obama is a vote for four more years of George W. Bush!