Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is Obama a Non-Citizen? A Clintonista Lawyer Wants to Know!

By John W. Lillpop

Phil J. Berg is hardly a member of any vast right wing conspiracy. In fact, the gentleman from Philadelphia is an ardent supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, erstwhile candidate for the Democrat nomination for the presidency.

Notwithstanding his liberal pedigree, Phil J. Berg is hot on the trail of one Barack Obama, because Berg wishes to protect the American people from possibly electing a non-citizen to the most powerful office in the world.

In August, before Obama was officially nominated by the Democrat party, Mr. Berg filed a legal challenge to Obama's constitutional eligibility to occupy the Oval Office.

On October 23, Mr. Berg filed a Motion to Expedite Resolution of Berg V. Obama, summarized directly below:

" This motion argues that the facts have been established that Barack Obama is not constitutionally qualified to be elected or serve as President of the United States, and that the Court should issue a summary judgment as follows:

 That Barack Hussein Obama a/k/a Barry Hussein Obama a/k/a Barack Dunham a/k/a Barry Dunham a/k/a Barack Soetoro a/k/a Barry Soetoro is not a “natural born” or “naturalized” United States citizen.
 That he is ineligible to run for and/or serve as President of the United States.
 That the Democratic National Committee be enjoined from naming Barack Hussein Obama, et al as the Democratic Presidential Candidate on the ballot.
 That the Democratic National Committee and Barack Hussein Obama, et al are enjoined from any further campaigning on behalf of Barack Hussein Obama, et al for Office of the Presidency.
 That Barack Hussein Obama’s, et al name be
removed from any and all ballots for the Office of the President of the United States."

Bravo and well done Mr. Berg. I would add just two items to the motion:

* That Barack be arrested immediately and deported to Kenya as soon as possible, and that Joe Biden be enjoined from taking Mr. Obama's place on the ballot or otherwise participating in the November 4 election, except as an individual voter, and

* That John McCain, based on the preponderance of information available this date, be declared the next President of the United States and that Governor Sarah Palin be declared his Vice President, effective with administration of the Oath of office to said parties on January 20, 2009.

See link for more details.


Hang on folks--this could get real interesting!
