Saturday, October 20, 2007

El Rushbo Uses Letter from Useful Idiots to Help U.S. Troops

By John W. Lillpop

Harry Reid and forty of the most fervently anti-American Democrats in the history of the U.S. Senate tried their level best to embarrass conservative talk show icon Rush Limbaugh, while simultaneously promoting themselves as guardian angels overlooking U.S. troops.

Democrats actually working on behalf of American troops? Don't be absurd!

Remember that just last summer, Harry Reid declared the war in Iraq "lost." Why in the world would a patriotic, intelligent leader who really gives a damn about U.S. troops concede defeat with 160,000 Americans troops still on the ground and in harm's way?

Where is your concern for the young American men and women who literally face death every day in Iraq, Senator Reid? How do you suppose your reckless and thoughtless remarks impacted those courageous troops on the ground 8,000 miles from home?

Clearly, Reid's "war is lost" rant was programmed to discredit President Bush and the surge. And troop morale be damned!

Undercutting troop morale during time of war is an act of treason and should have lead to the immediate arrest of Reid.

Once the Majority Leader had been handcuffed and jettisoned off Capitol Hill, the insufferable fool should have been banished to a dingy cell at Guantanamo Bay, given a copy of the Quaran and a prayer rug, and fed the same food provided all other terrorists.

A special election in Nevada to replace the unhinged leftist should have been called once a conservative Republican who could win was found and vetted.

But with Democrats in charge, U.S. troops are little more than political pawns with which to embarrass the Bush administration and to pacify anti-war activists on the extreme far left.

Which brings us to the latest fiasco from Reid and crew.

Because of Democrats' association with the likes of in waging partisan assaults on General Petreaus, voters are starting to realize that the current crop of liberals is an undesirable reincarnation of anti-war dunderheads from the days of George McGovern and Jane Fonda.

Desperate to avoid such unflattering comparisons, Reid and the gang decided to re-market themselves as patriotic warriors with a passion for defending U.S. troops.

In order to achieve their mission, Reid found it necessary to lie about and misrepresent the most pro-troop figure in the history of the American media: The honorable and ever patriotic Rush Limbaugh.

Thus, 40 senate Democrats joined Reid in signing a letter to Clear Channel Communication, Inc., expressing an idiotic complaint about excessive use of free speech by Rush Limbaugh.

The Democrat missive boils down to a fundamental idea central to the new fascism that is the Democrat majority. Namely, liberals are all for free speech, except when it comes to conservatives.

However, in a delicious twist of irony, Rush Limbaugh turned the tables on the rascals by auctioning off the original letter on eBay and by using the proceeds to help U.S. troops.

Reid's historic testament to idiocy and treason sold for a record $2.1 million, which Rush Limbaugh will match from his own pocket.

Thus, over $4 million will go to the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, which provides scholarships to children of Marines or federal law enforcement personnel who were killed while serving their country.

Perhaps those 41 Democrats should pass the hat among theyselves and match Rush's $4 million with funds from their own pockets?

And do so in the name of supporting the troops?